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Advance Your Nonprofit with Better Decision-Making
Veronica LaFemina Veronica LaFemina

Advance Your Nonprofit with Better Decision-Making

One of the best-kept-secrets of effective leadership - and organizations - is being really great at making and communicating decisions.

A recent study shows that adults make an average of 122 informed choices every day – a small subset of the 35,000 unconscious decisions we make each day, according to other various sources.

That's a lot of decisions before you even count:

→ 87% of people admitted to changing their minds at least once

→ On average, people change their minds twice per decision

→ 11% of people admitted to changing their minds 5+ times

We spend so much time and energy - every day - making and managing informed decisions.

Wouldn't it be a huge relief to reduce the time, energy, and stress related to all those decisions? Good news - you can!

In my latest article for Capterra, I lay out a practical step-by-step approach for improving decision-making at your organization.

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