4 Tips for Reaching Your Goals

“Mom, will you come read with me in your office?”

It’s Read-a-thon this week and my second grader has big goals. He wants to:

  • Read more minutes than he did last year (which was 700 minutes)

  • Help his class have the most minutes read in the school (to win a class party)

  • Help his class have the most dollars raised in the school (to win his teacher a gift card)

Ever since he learned to read, this curious and tenacious kid has had a book within reach. He’s the kid who wants to stay up to read “just one more chapter” and who can explain important historical moments, scientific concepts, animal facts, and ridiculous jokes because he’s constantly reading and learning something new.

He’s smart, kind, athletic, community-minded, witty, amazing with little kids, and a great helper. So, he has lots of talents and skills.

But Read-a-thon is his Super Bowl. And he takes it very seriously.

Here are 4 key lessons we can all learn from my little dude:

  1. Get Clear on What You Want – set the goal and know why you’re doing it.

  2. Make Time to Do What Matters – free up time in your calendar to do the behavior that needs doing. This week, my kiddo is dedicating his before-school time, time during aftercare, and time in the evenings to clocking reading minutes. He still has other responsibilities around the house, and other activities he needs to be present for, but he’s designed his schedule this week to maximize time for reading.

  3. Going Together is Easier than Going Alone – working on a goal by yourself can feel isolating. Engage your team, tell your friends, find your accountability buddy, and ask for the support and encouragement you need to keep going.

  4. Measure Your Results & Celebrate – record your progress and celebrate along the way. Celebrating small wins helps supercharge our motivation and increases our chances of reaching our goals.

He’s well on his way to another successful Read-a-thon this year.

How about you? What’s a goal you’re working on?

One of the great joys of my work as a strategic advisor is helping visionary nonprofit and social impact leaders gain clarity and adopt better ways of thinking, planning, and working so they can achieve their goals. If you’re ready to get the right, senior-level support to achieve your big goals, I’m here to help - just send me a message and tell me you’re ready to get started!


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