The Good That Comes From Goodbye

is your organization struggling with sustainable growth? Here's something you may be missing.

It's the importance of "goodbye."


It's the last week of the school year here.

For my kiddos, that means some tough goodbyes are underway.
→ To teachers who have taught them so much
→ To classrooms that have hosted so many learning experiences
→ To friends who may or may not be in their classes next year
→ To a daily routine that helps them feel grounded, steady
→ To the sense of belonging that comes from their school community

We've talked a lot about the big feelings that come with goodbyes - that it's okay to feel sad, unsure, or nervous about them.

We've also talked about the fact that goodbyes also help us make way for new hellos - for things we've been planning or waiting for.


Last year, we had to make the difficult choice to remove a beloved tree in our front yard.

While it provided lovely shade, beautiful greenery, and many other benefits that trees do, it was also too big for the space (the wrong species for a front yard tree on the size lot we have) and caused challenges like:
→ preventing other plants from getting the sun they needed to grow
→ pushing up the driveway and getting under our home's foundation
→ continuing to grow in ways that were unsafe for our home and our family

We are big tree lovers over here - so it really was a difficult decision and a heartbreaking goodbye.

But it was important - and necessary.

And as we found out this spring, it allowed other possibilities to bloom.
→ The gladiolus bulbs were planted 5+ years ago, and for the first time, each of them has bloomed thanks to more sunshine, water, and available nutrients in the soil.
→ Our butterfly bush is back and welcoming all kinds of pollinators after being almost completely dead last year.

Goodbyes aren't easy, but sometimes, tough goodbyes are necessary and good for the next stage of growth.

As you go into planning and budgeting season this summer, I encourage you to ask yourself and your team:

"What is the most important goodbye we can say this year that will enable us to focus our resources, time, and energy to power smart, sustainable growth?"

Imagine what possibilities can bloom.


The Truth About Transformation